
Dear colleagues, esteemed participants of the MUNICH VASCULAR CONFERENCE (MAC),
It is with great honor and pleasure that I extend this heartfelt invitation to you for the upcoming 13th MUNICH VASCULAR CONFERENCE (MAC), scheduled to take place exclusively as a face-to-face symposium on December 5 – 6, 2024 at the University Hospital of the Technical University of Munich (TUM).The MAC has always been a platform for robust discussions, and I am proud to inform you that the tradition continues. The scientific faculty for the 13th MAC will be composed of world-class speakers and key opinion leaders in the field of arterial and venous diseases, as well as experts in artificial intelligence and digital vascular medicine. Our focus will encompass critical aspects of endovascular, open surgical, and the best medical treatment options for vascular patients.I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to welcome you personally to Munich in December 2024.For more updates and detailed information, please visit www.mac-conference.com.
I look forward to your participation and the continued success of the MUNICH VASCULAR CONFERENCE.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Daniela BranzanThe Organizing Committee, 13th MUNICH VASCULAR CONFERENCE (MAC)

MGG 2019: Vorträge der Referenten
Am 5. Juli 2019 fand bereits zum 30. Mal das Münchner Gefäßgespräch (MGG) am Klinikum rechts der Isar statt. Zum Thema ‚Vaskuläre Kompressionssyndrome – Gefäße in der Klemme‘ konnten sich auf dem renommierten Kongresses Kolleginnen und Kollegen über eine Vielzahl verschiedener Pathologien austauschen.
Die Vorträge unserer Referenten beim 30. Münchner Gefäßgespräch können Sie hier einsehen:
Organkompression durch Aneurysmen mit Fokus auf Pathologien der Arteria lusoria
Dr. med. Matthias Trenner, München
Wilkie Syndrom
PD Dr. med. Christian Uhl, Regensburg
Univ.-Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Hermann Berger, München
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Ockert, Luzern
Dunbar/Ligamentum Arcuatum Syndrom
Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Hyhlik-Dürr, Augsburg
Bildgebende Funktionsdiagnostik von Kompressionssyndromen
PD Dr. med. Rickmer Braren
Tumorkompression: Obere Einflussstauung
Dr. med. Sofie Schmid, München
Morbus Ormond / Retroperitoneale Fibrose
PD Dr. med. Klaus Thürmel