Lehre und Forschung
Publikationen 2015
- Abbott AL, Paraskevas KI, Kakkos SK, Golledge J, Eckstein HH, Diaz-Sandoval LJ, et al. Systematic Review of Guidelines for the Management of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis. STROKE. 2015;46(11):3288-301.
- Archie MM, Nassiri N, Eckstein HH, Lawrence PF. PC96. Open Surgical Simulation as a Means of Education in Vascular Surgery Training. Journal of vascular surgery. 2015;61(6, Supplement):143S-4S.
- Assadian A, Eckstein HH, Peripheral Bypass Grafting: Prospective Evaluation of FVGfAKTSG. Outcome of the FUSION vascular graft for above-knee femoropopliteal bypass. Journal of vascular surgery. 2015;61(3):713-9 e1.
- Chaudhari SM, Sluimer JC, Koch M, Theelen TL, Manthey HD, Busch M, et al. Deficiency of HIF1 alpha in Antigen-Presenting Cells Aggravates Atherosclerosis and Type 1 T-Helper Cell Responses in Mice. ARTERIOSCLER THROMB VASC BIOL. 2015;35(11):2316-25.
- Cochain C, Koch M, Chaudhari SM, Busch M, Pelisek J, Boon L, et al. CD8+ T Cells Regulate Monopoiesis and Circulating Ly6C-high Monocyte Levels in Atherosclerosis in Mice. CIRC RES. 2015;117(3):244-53.
- Eckstein HH. Endovascular Thrombectomy improves Prognosis Comments from the Vascular Surgeon. Deut Med Wochenschr. 2015;140(11):788-9.
- Eckstein HH. Editorial. The Journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2015;56(6):825-6.
- Eckstein HH. The European medical specialist examination in vascular surgery: Ten good reasons for qualification as a Fellow of the European Board of Vascular Surgery (FEBVS) English version. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015 20(3):179-81.
- Eckstein HH. Our journal Gefässchirurgie and the AAA screening program. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(2):88-90.
- Eckstein HH. Academic vascular surgery in Germany. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(4):248-9.
- Eckstein HH, Kühnl A. Critical limb ischemia. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(3):182.
- Eckstein HH, Söllner H, Knipfer E, Kühnl A. Academic vascular surgery in Germany – a (self-)critical appraisal. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(4):277-86.
- Eckstein HH, Söllner H, Kühnl A. The journal Gefässchirurgie from 1996 to 2015 – Bibliometric analysis and perspectives. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(4):304-12.
- Eckstein HH, Weiss N, Bodechtel U. [Ischemic stroke: endovascular thrombectomy improves outcome]. DTSCH MED WOCHENSCHR. 2015;140(11):788-90.
- Einspieler I, Thuermel K, Pyka T, Eiber M, Wolfram S, Moog P, et al. Imaging large vessel vasculitis with fully integrated PET/MRI: a pilot study. EUR J NUCL MED MOL IMAGING. 2015;42(7):1012-24.
- Glinzer A, Thon M, Wildgruber M, Pelisek J, Eckstein HH, Gee MW, et al. Development of a 3d-Model of the Murine Aortic Arch. Atherosclerosis. 2015;241(1):E95-E.
- Greißel A, Culmes M, Burgkart R, Zimmermann A, Eckstein H-H, Zernecke A, et al. Histone acetylation and methylation significantly change with severity of atherosclerosis in human carotid plaques. CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY. 2016;25(2):79-86.
- Greissel A, Culmes M, Napieralski R, Wagner E, Gebhard H, Schmitt M, et al. Alternation of histone and DNA methylation in human atherosclerotic carotid plaques. Thrombosis and haemostasis. 2015;114(2):390-402.
- Hacke W, Jansen O, Ringleb P, Eckstein HH. Treatment of asymptomatic carotid stenoses: A missed opportunity. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(4):287-8.
- Hacke W, Ringleb P, Jansen O, Eckstein HH. Asymptomatic carotid stenosis: A missed opportunity. Deutsches Arzteblatt international. 2015;112(7):A272.
- Hyafil F, Laitinen I, Schottelius M, Mohring M, Poschenrieder A, Brandl J, et al. Evaluation of the radiotracer 68Ga pentixafor targeting the CXCR4 receptor with PET-MRI in a rabbit model of atherosclerotic plaques. EUR J NUCL MED MOL IMAGING. 2015;42:S194-S5.
- Kallmayer MA, Tsantilas P, Knappich C, Deutsch L, Haller B, Söllner H, et al. Trends and results of carotid artery surgery in Germany 2003–2013: Part 2: Preoperative instrumentation diagnostics, perioperative and intraoperative management. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(4):289-98.
- Kallmayer MA, Tsantilas P, Knappich C, Haller B, Storck M, Stadlbauer T, et al. Patient characteristics and outcomes of carotid endarterectomy and carotid artery stenting: analysis of the German mandatory national quality assurance registry – 2003 to 2014. The Journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2015;56(6):827-36.
- Kühnl A, Söllner H, Eckstein HH. Epidemiology and inpatient treatment of vascular diseases in Germany. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(3):204-13.
- Kühnl A, Söllner H, Eckstein HH. Epidemiology and treatment of renal artery stenosis in Germany from 2005 to 2013. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(2):93-101.
- Ockert S, Eckstein G, Lutz B, Reeps C, Eckstein HH. Aortic hemiarch hybrid repair. Journal of vascular surgery. 2015;62(4):907-13.
- Pelisek J, Deutsch L, Ansel A, Pongratz J, Stadlbauer T, Gebhard H, et al. Expression of a metalloproteinase family of ADAMTS in human vulnerable carotid lesions. J CARDIOVASC MED (HAGERSTOWN). Epub 2015 Feb 13.
- Pelisek J, Han Y, Tanios F, Reeps C, Zernecke A, Eckstein HH. Histone Acetylation in Human Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Atherosclerosis. 2015;241(1):E83-E.
- Rasper M, Wildgruber M, Settles M, Eckstein HH, Zimmermann A, Reeps C, et al. 3D non-contrast-enhanced ECG-gated MR angiography of the lower extremities with dual-source radiofrequency transmission at 3.0 T: Intraindividual comparison with contrast-enhanced MR angiography in PAOD patients. European radiology. Epub 2015 Nov 11.
- Tanios F, Gee MG, Pelisek J, Kehl S, Grabher-Meier V, Biehler J, et al. Interaction of biomechanics with extracellular matrix components in abdominal aortic aneurysm wall. Atherosclerosis. 2015;241(1):E185-E.
- Tanios F, Gee MW, Pelisek J, Kehl S, Biehler J, Grabher-Meier V, et al. Interaction of biomechanics with extracellular matrix components in abdominal aortic aneurysm wall. EUR J VASC ENDOVASC SURG. 2015;50(2):167-74.
- Tanios F, Pelisek J, Lutz B, Reutersberg B, Matevossian E, Schwamborn K, et al. CXCR4: A Potential Marker for Inflammatory Activity in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Wall. EUR J VASC ENDOVASC SURG. Epub 2015 Sep 4.
- Trenner M, Haller B, Storck M, Eckstein HH. How EVAR Changed the Game: Trends in Patient Characteristics, Surgical Techniques and Outcomes of Non–-ruptured AAA Repair in Germany from 1999 to 2010. EUR J VASC ENDOVASC SURG. 2015;50(3):402.
- Tsantilas P, Kuhnl A, Kallmayer M, Knappich C, Schmid S, Kuetchou A, et al. Stroke risk in the early period after carotid related symptoms: a systematic review. The Journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2015;56(6):845-52.
- Wendorff C, Wendorff H, Pelisek J, Tsantilas P, Zimmermann A, Zernecke A, et al. Carotid Plaque Morphology Is Significantly Associated With Sex, Age, and History of Neurological Symptoms. STROKE; A JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL CIRCULATION. 2015;46(11):3213-9.
- Zimmermann A, Ludwig U, Eckstein HH. Indications and results of endovascular therapy of critical limb ischemia. GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2015;20(3):196-203.
- Zimmermann A, Senner S, Eckstein HH, Pelisek J. Histomorphological evaluation of atherosclerotic lesions in patients with peripheral artery occlusive disease. ADV MED SCI. 2015;60(2):236-9.